I need to apply cut
on a continuous variable to show it with a Brewer color scale in ggplot2, as in Setting breakpoints for data with scale_fill_brewer() function i
Why not copy the code for cut.default
and create your own version with modified levels? See this gist.
Two lines were changed:
Line 22: ch.br <- formatC(breaks, digits = dig, width = 1)
changed to ch.br <- formatC(breaks*100, digits = dig, width = 1)
Line 29: else "[", ch.br[-nb], ",", ch.br[-1L], if (right)
changed to else "[", ch.br[-nb], "%, ", ch.br[-1L], "%", if (right)
The rest is the same. And here it is in action:
x <- runif(100)
levels(cut2(x, breaks=10))
# [1] "(1.24%, 11%]" "(11%, 20.9%]" "(20.9%, 30.7%]" "(30.7%, 40.5%]" "(40.5%, 50.3%]"
# [6] "(50.3%, 60.1%]" "(60.1%, 69.9%]" "(69.9%, 79.7%]" "(79.7%, 89.5%]" "(89.5%, 99.3%]"