If you have an array containing an indefinite amount of arrays
var masterArray = [ [1,2,3,4,5],
A reducer iterates the array of arrays, where the accumulator represents the index of the longest array, starting with index 0
For each iteration, the current item's (array) length
is compared to the length
of the currently longest array found (arrays[acc]
) and if greater, the accumulator is set to that index
var arrays = [
[1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1], // ⬅ The longest, which is at index 2
var indexOfLongestArray = arrays.reduce((acc, arr, idx) => {
console.log(acc, idx, JSON.stringify([arr, arrays[acc]]))
return arr.length > arrays[acc].length ? idx : acc
}, 0)
// print result:
console.log( "longest array is at index: ", indexOfLongestArray )
var indexOfLongestArray = list => list.reduce((a, arr, idx) =>
arr.length > arrays[a].length ? idx : a
, 0)