I\'ve found plenty of tutorials / questions on Stackoverflow that deal with copying char arrays from C/JNI side into something like a byte[] in Java, but not the other way aroun
Here's a working example I just lifted from my AS/400 JNI library to resolve a native user-queue pointer to test the queue's existence - it copies the queue library and name from a Java byte array (already translated to job's CCSID) into native code and uses it. Take note of the release function calls; these can be changed to copy the native array contents back into the Java byte arrays to move data the other way:
JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_com_mycompany_jni400_UserQueue_jniResolve(JNIEnv *jep,jobject thsObj,
jbyteArray queueLibrary,jbyteArray queueName) {
jbyte *lib,*nam;
bool rtn;
(*jep)->ReleaseByteArrayElements(jep,queueLibrary,lib,JNI_ABORT); /* abort to not copy back contents */
(*jep)->ReleaseByteArrayElements(jep,queueName ,nam,JNI_ABORT); /* abort to not copy back contents */
if(rtn) { return JNI_TRUE; }
else { return JNI_FALSE; }