I have been struggling to find out a way to reset the auto increment value in Laravel 4 but it seems that this functionality is not embedded in laravel 4 at least for now. so i
I don't know if it's smart or not, but this will cleanup your table.
public function cleanup($table_name)
DB::statement("SET @count = 0;");
DB::statement("UPDATE `$table_name` SET `$table_name`.`id` = @count:= @count + 1;");
DB::statement("ALTER TABLE `$table_name` AUTO_INCREMENT = 1;");
MySQL will set the AUTO_INCREMENT to last+1
If you've set your foreign keys to ON UPDATE CASCADE the children will know about the changes and cascade the update.
This stuff takes server time and gives you little in return. I think that's why you're getting loads of "don't waist your time" responses? For a count you should use ->count() and not the last id.
I also don't know if the statements should be within a transaction to prevent errors when users are added while your statements are running.