Learning node.js. Trumpet works by piping a stream back to itself, apparently, so the processed data can then be output. This makes no sense to me, since it seems to be like c
I had the exact same confusion:
davecocoa had this to say to me at the nodeschool.io discussions thread on github. Below is an extract from https://github.com/nodeschool/discussions/issues/346
I think you might be confusing the two streams loud
and tr
is the main trumpet stream
to its input, and we connect its output to stdout
We created loud
by asking tr
to select html elements with class loud
behaves such that, when html is streamed to it, if there are elements with class loud, they are output from loud
, which sends them to the through stream you built for making the text uppercase, which sends them to back to loud
's input, where they are reinserted into the html tr
originally received and output from tr
I guess an important thing to note is that, although loud
has an important connection with tr
, they are not actually piped together at all.