I want to keep on using the same session and by that I mean Rails\' session between various Test::Unit
integration tests that use Capybara. The Capybara::Sess
If what you are doing is trying to string together individual examples into a story (cucumber style, but without cucumber), you can use a gem called rspec-steps to accomplish this. For example, normally this won't work:
describe "logging in" do
it "when I visit the sign-in page" do
visit "/login"
it "and I fill in my registration info and click submit" do
fill_in :username, :with => 'Foo'
fill_in :password, :with => 'foobar'
click_on "Submit"
it "should show a successful login" do
page.should have_content("Successfully logged in")
Because rspec rolls back all of its instance variables, sessions, cookies, etc.
If you install rspec-steps (note: currently not compatible with rspec newer than 2.9), you can replace 'describe' with 'steps' and Rspec and capybara will preserve state between the examples, allowing you to build a longer story, e.g.:
steps "logging in" do
it "when I visit the sign-in page" #... etc.
it "and I fill in" # ... etc.
it "should show a successful" # ... etc.