Asynchronous programming is a must for responsive user interfaces when application have to communicate over unpredictable networks (e.g. smart phone applications). The user i
While it isn't a built-in language feature, it may be interesting to note that it's possible to implement C# style async/await for Swift, and that because of the special syntax afforded to the last closure argument of a function call, it even looks like it might be part of the language.
If anyone is interested, you can get code for this on Bitbucket. Here's a quick taster of what's possible:
let task = async { () -> () in
let fetch = async { (t: Task) -> NSData in
let req = NSURLRequest(URL: NSURL.URLWithString(""))
let queue = NSOperationQueue.mainQueue()
var data = NSData!
completionHandler:{ (r: NSURLResponse!, d: NSData!, error: NSError!) -> Void in
data = d
return data!
let data = await(fetch)
let str = NSString(bytes: data.bytes, length: data.length,
encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding)
Also, if you want something like @synchronized, try this:
func synchronized(obj: AnyObject, blk:() -> ()) {
var str = "A string we can synchronise on"
synchronized(str) {
println("The string is locked here")