Is there at least anything other than Vogella\'s tutorials and his book, which is completely based on those tuts? Examples from his repo are often either incomp
i was in the same position for my sparetime RCP-Project and was about to give up
since Neon the situation has been improved a lot
my approach
take the tycho-Example from vogella for headless-build
add your custom parts with 'hello world' and play around to learn
for database-access use a declarative Service using jpa
an example will be
for logging and error-view
this project eye-opening!
in general:
search Application.e4xmi in Github by date descending and you will find excelent examples and full working products
Forget about e3 and stick to plain e4. Take Advantage of the latest api's
make a i18n plugin and use
@Inject @Translation Messages messages;
use ISideEffect as Binding
for me it becomes fun to code with e4