I am using the webclient from spring webflux, like this :
I prefer to use the methods provided by the ClientResponse to handle http errors and throw exceptions:
.uri( url )
.body( bodyObject == null ? null : BodyInserters.fromValue( bodyObject ) )
.accept( MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON )
.headers( headers )
.flatMap( clientResponse -> {
//Error handling
if ( clientResponse.statusCode().isError() ) { // or clientResponse.statusCode().value() >= 400
return clientResponse.createException().flatMap( Mono::error );
return clientResponse.bodyToMono( clazz )
} )
//You can do your checks: doOnError (..), onErrorReturn (..) ...
In fact, it's the same logic used in the DefaultResponseSpec of DefaultWebClient to handle errors. The DefaultResponseSpec is an implementation of ResponseSpec that we would have if we made a retrieve() instead of exchange().