I use VS2010 and then drag and drop Member datagridview to design view. After that I drag and drop name member textfield to design view and then try to edit and save. It\'s work
Here are two possible solutions.
Binding Format and Parse events
The Binding
class has a built-in facility for on-the-fly transformations of bound data in the form of the Format and Parse events.
Here's how you would use those events with just the "Male" radiobutton. Create the binding in code, not in the designer:
// create binding between "Sex" property and RadioButton.Checked property
var maleBinding = new Binding("Checked", bindingSource1, "Sex");
// when Formatting (reading from datasource), return true for M, else false
maleBinding.Format += (s, args) => args.Value = ((string)args.Value) == "M";
// when Parsing (writing to datasource), return "M" for true, else "F"
maleBinding.Parse += (s, args) => args.Value = (bool)args.Value ? "M" : "F";
// add the binding
// you don't need to bind the Female radiobutton, just make it do the opposite
// of Male by handling the CheckedChanged event on Male:
maleRb.CheckedChanged += (s, args) => femaleRb.Checked = !maleRb.Checked;
Computed Property
Another approach is to add a computed property to your datasource:
public bool IsMale
get { return Sex == "M"; }
if (value)
Sex = "M";
Sex = "F";
Now you can simply bind the Male radiobutton to this property on your datasource (just don't show this property in the grid).
And again you can hook up Female to Male like so:
maleRb.CheckedChanged += (s, args) => femaleRb.Checked = !maleRb.Checked;