I was wondering if it it too early to use HTML5 for a production site. Should I rather wait 6-12 months until users have updated to compatible html5 browsers? This leads me to,
I was wondering if it it too early to use HTML5 for a production site.
Should I rather wait 6-12 months until users have updated to compatible html5 browsers?
You mean 6-12 years, I assume?
This leads me to, how far back does the browsers support HTML5?
Some browsers have supported bits of HTML 5 for longer then anyone has been saying HTML 5 (the features are just now being standardized).
Some parts of HTML 5 see zero support in the market.
Don't just "use HTML 5". Look to see what parts of HTML 5 could be useful to you. Look to see what support is like for them and how it will degrade for browsers which don't support it. See if using those features is worth the cost in mature QA tools (like DTD validators).