I was wondering if it it too early to use HTML5 for a production site. Should I rather wait 6-12 months until users have updated to compatible html5 browsers? This leads me to,
http://caniuse.com/ has an excellent overview of which features are available, on which browsers - and information on available Javascript/Flash workarounds.
http://www.modernizr.com/ is an excellent library to detect which features are supported on the client browser.
As for HTML5 itself, the term has become a portmanteau for a lot of specifications - new markup, CSS3, canvas…
You have to ask yourself the right questions:
), especially if you want your site to be accessible from smartphones. (Even with Android getting Flash, I suspect many users won't activate it if not forced in order to spare battery life)
) - but it will come at a price in site performance and design time.Short answer: As a hobbyist web designer (so don't take that advice as more than a barely informed piece of opinion), I do not think it is too early - if your website needs to be accessible on the iPhone and iPad, it will need HTML5 for some features. If your website needs to be accessible from people who are on IE6, then of course the set of available HTML5 functionality is quite limited (Heck IE6 barely supports CSS2.1) - but the most important bits (,
) have workarounds available.