I would like to limit the number of decimals when a data frame is imported. My .txt input have 16 decimals to each row in collumn \"Value\". My dataframe look like that:
just throw a copy of this into the path of your project in a utils directory and source it when you run your script
"formatColumns" <-
function(data, digits)
"%,%" <- function(x,y)paste(x,y,sep="")
nms <- names(data)
nc <- ncol(data)
nd <- length(digits)
stop("Argument 'digits' must be vector of length " %,%
nc %,% ", the number of columns in 'data'.")
out <- as.data.frame(sapply(1:nc,
FUN=function(x, d, Y)
format(Y[,x], digits=d[x]), Y=tbl, d=digits))
if(!is.null(nms)) names(out) <- nms
Now you can sit back and relax
formatColumns(MyData, digits=c(0,2,4,4,4,0,0))
et cetera et cetera et cetera