We just ported our unit tests to JUnit5. Realizing that this is still rather early adoption with little hints on google.
The most challenging was to get jacoco code cove
Thank you, so the hack now looks like this:
project.afterEvaluate {
def junitPlatformTestTask = project.tasks.getByName('junitPlatformTest')
// configure jacoco to analyze the junitPlatformTest task
jacoco {
// this tool version is compatible with
toolVersion = ""
applyTo junitPlatformTestTask
// create junit platform jacoco task
project.task(type: JacocoReport, "junitPlatformJacocoReport",
sourceDirectories = files("./src/main")
classDirectories = files("$buildDir/classes/main")
executionData junitPlatformTestTask