Is there a way to increase the width of hatch in matplotlib?
For example, the following code by specifying linewidth
only changes the width of the edge. I
If you use pdf and have sudo rights you can change it in There is a line
self.output(0.1, Op.setlinewidth)
Usually it is located in /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/matplotlib/backends/ .
Also someone wrote a hack to do this from your script (still need sudo rights to execute). Solution from here:
import os
import re
import matplotlib
def setHatchThickness(value):
libpath = matplotlib.__path__[0]
backend_pdf = libpath + "/backends/"
with open(backend_pdf, "r") as r:
code =
code = re.sub(r'self\.output\((\d+\.\d+|\d+)\,\ Op\.setlinewidth\)',
"self.output(%s, Op.setlinewidth)" % str(value), code)
with open('/tmp/hatch.tmp', "w") as w:
print backend_pdf
os.system('sudo mv /tmp/hatch.tmp %s' % backend_pdf)