I\'m trying to run my junit tests using ant. The tests are kicked off using a JUnit 4 test suite. If I run this direct from Eclipse the tests complete without error. However i
This error is caused specifically because the class path contains explicit references to one or more [files] that are not JAR's. The reference to "error in opening zip file" is of course that a JAR is in effect a ZIP file where as other files [JUNIT] has found like class files are not and as such do not have a zip format. So the class path should contain only explicit references to JAR [files] and/or the names of the [directories] where other resources like class files are to be found.
So when building up your class path (in ANT) use:
:one for each of the [directories] where class files, log4j property files and other resources etc are to be found
:to describe all the explicit JAR [files] that need to be on the class path.
NOTE: When using wild cards like [**/*]
in you need to make sure the wild card is not matching files that are not JAR files