I\'m going crazy testing my app for inApp purchase. I cannot get any valid product.
I\'ll try to make some questions here, hope someone could answer.
You do not have to upload a binary. You can set up your app in iTunes Connect, and then set up your products associated with it. The "Waiting For Review" on your products will stay waiting for review until you submit a binary and submit the app and it gets approved. You can still test, however, even with your products "Waiting For Review". There is (IIRC) a transitional state which you as developer must mark your products as approved after you have tested them.
Note: Once you create the app in iTunes Connect, you have 90 days to submit a binary before they take your app name away from you.
Note 2: When testing with your debug build before submission, you have to use the development sandbox servers. See the IAP documentation for more info.