Is there any documented use of ctags with R? Would this be useful? Would it be difficult to implement?
Specifically, I\'ve just started using Vim. It would be cool to be
rtags() is the best to way to generate tags for R codes from what I see so far, since it will take all different ways of assignments in consideration, such as:
ok = c("<-", "=", "<<-", "assign",
"setGeneric", "setGroupGeneric", "setMethod",
"setClass", "setClassUnion")
An example of using rtags():
path <- "~/path/to/project"
pattern = "[.]*\\.[RrSs]$", = ".", # the value ('/R/') in the help page will only run through the codes in R/ folder.
verbose = TRUE,
ofile = file.path(path, 'TAGS'),
append = FALSE,
recursive = TRUE)