Nicely printing/showing a binary tree in Haskell

前端 未结 3 495
故里飘歌 2021-02-05 07:33

I have a tree data type:

data Tree a b = Branch b (Tree a b) (Tree a b) | Leaf a

...and I need to make it an instance of Show, wit

  •  一向
    一向 (楼主)
    2021-02-05 08:26

    Yet another implementation:

    video with explanation

                |                   ┌──"g"
                |               ┌──"c"
                |               |   └──"f"
                |           ┌──"a"
                |           |   |   ┌──"e"
                |           |   └──"b"
                |           |       └──"d"
                |       ┌──"x"
                |       |   |       ┌──"g"
                |       |   |   ┌──"c"
                |       |   |   |   └──"f"
                |       |   └──"a"
                |       |       |   ┌──"e"
                |       |       └──"b"
                |       |           └──"d"
                |   ┌──"f"
    import Data.List
    data Btree a = Empty | Node a (Btree a) (Btree a) deriving Show
    tr_l = Node "b" (Node "d" Empty Empty) (Node "e" Empty Empty)
    tr_r = Node "c" (Node "f" Empty Empty) (Node "g" Empty Empty)
    tr = Node "a" tr_l tr_r :: Btree String
    tx = Node "x" tr tr
    trr = Node "a" (Node "b" (Node "c" (Node "d" Empty (Node "f" Empty tx)) Empty) Empty) Empty:: Btree String
    data ParentDir = PLeft | PRight | NoParent deriving (Show,Eq)
    type ParentPos = Int
    type Level = Int
    dline = '|'
    factor = 4
    m c1 c2 = if c1 == dline then c1 else c2
    zipWith' f xs [] = xs
    zipWith' f [] xs = xs
    zipWith' f (x:xs) (y:ys) = f x y : zipWith' f xs ys
    build_line pd a pp level = foldl (zipWith' m) "" (((++"|").(flip replicate ' ') <$> (factor*) <$> pp)++[(replicate (factor*level) ' ')++cn++show a])
                               where cn = case pd of PLeft -> "└──"
                                                     PRight -> "┌──"
                                                     NoParent -> "───"
    tprint :: Show a => ParentDir -> [ParentPos] -> Level -> Btree a -> [String]
    tprint _ _ _ Empty = []
    tprint pd pp level (Node a l r) = tprint PRight new_pp_r (level+1) r ++
                                      [build_line pd a pp level] ++
                                      tprint PLeft new_pp_l (level+1) l
                                      where new_pp_r = case pd of PRight -> pp
                                                                  PLeft -> pp++[level]
                                                                  NoParent -> pp
                                            new_pp_l = case pd of PRight -> pp++[level]
                                                                  PLeft -> pp
                                                                  NoParent -> pp
    printt t = putStr $ (intercalate "\r\n" (tprint NoParent [] 0 t))++"\r\n"
