I am writing a decorator that needs to call other functions prior to call of the function that it is decorating. The decorated function may have positional arguments, but the f
Well, this may be overkill. I wrote it for the dectools package (on PyPi), so you can get updates there. It returns the dictionary taking into account positional, keyword, and default arguments. There is a test suite in the package (test_dict_as_called.py):
def _dict_as_called(function, args, kwargs):
""" return a dict of all the args and kwargs as the keywords they would
be received in a real function call. It does not call function.
names, args_name, kwargs_name, defaults = inspect.getargspec(function)
# assign basic args
params = {}
if args_name:
basic_arg_count = len(names)
params.update(zip(names[:], args)) # zip stops at shorter sequence
params[args_name] = args[basic_arg_count:]
params.update(zip(names, args))
# assign kwargs given
if kwargs_name:
params[kwargs_name] = {}
for kw, value in kwargs.iteritems():
if kw in names:
params[kw] = value
params[kwargs_name][kw] = value
# assign defaults
if defaults:
for pos, value in enumerate(defaults):
if names[-len(defaults) + pos] not in params:
params[names[-len(defaults) + pos]] = value
# check we did it correctly. Each param and only params are set
assert set(params.iterkeys()) == (set(names)|set([args_name])|set([kwargs_name])
return params