For example I have a 200px div containing three buttons, the text is only minimal so the buttons don\'t fill the horizontal space available. Is it possible to..
Can't you just set the widths like so...
test css button stretch
last button stretch...
first button stretch...
middle button stretch...
This seems to get the desired effect, is fluid (if the div button container's width is changed or set to a %), and works in IE, Firefox and Opera.
edit: removed the redundant btn class; bumped up the width % for the stretch class; added the doctype. Left the types on, could technically haved removed for just an example, but meh.
@rpflo: the types are in there because my buttons in this example are not submit buttons. If these were part of a form and were submitting, I'd have left them off since the default is type=submit. (W3C HTML BUTTON)