How can you prevent any automatic formatting when in CKEditor when viewing in source mode?
I like to edit HTML source code directly instead of using the WYSIWYG
I solved this problem by simply surrounding the back-end output of edit form page with a conditional on a $_GET variable - when you click on "Expert Mode" it loads a plain textarea instead of the ckeditor system. Your invocation of the ckeditor object will vary depending on your setup. ( I have a custom class that calls/builds the editor object )
print "\n";
print "\n";
require_once( 'admin/editor.class.php' );
$aDoc['content'] = str_replace( "\r", '', str_replace( "\n", '', nl2br( $aDoc['content'] ) ) );
$oEditor = new setEditor( $aDoc['content'], $nEwidth, "400", 'content' );