My app normally works just fine, until I face a strange problem on specific device. There are 2 activities in App. After I start ActivityB inside of ActivityA, ActivityA starts
I got this issue recently, and this make me annoyed. I think that issue around 2 options solution to check but useless.
About the setting "Don't keep activities" corrected here, I used this code to check that it optional checked or not (my test device customize base on version 2.3.5 and not show this option):
private boolean isAlwaysFinishActivitiesOptionEnabled() {
int alwaysFinishActivitiesInt = 0;
if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 17) {
alwaysFinishActivitiesInt = Settings.System.getInt(getApplicationContext().getContentResolver(), Settings.Global.ALWAYS_FINISH_ACTIVITIES, 0);
} else {
alwaysFinishActivitiesInt = Settings.System.getInt(getApplicationContext().getContentResolver(), Settings.System.ALWAYS_FINISH_ACTIVITIES, 0);
if (alwaysFinishActivitiesInt == 1) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
Result check is false in my case. I also check the memory when running application and it nothing occur.