If I have a hash in Perl that contains complete and sequential integer mappings (ie, all keys from from 0 to n are mapped to something, no keys outside of this), is there a mean
If your original data source is a hash:
# first find the max key value, if you don't already know it:
use List::Util 'max';
my $maxkey = max keys %hash;
# get all the values, in order
my @array = @hash{0 .. $maxkey};
Or if your original data source is a hashref:
my $maxkey = max keys %$hashref;
my @array = @{$hashref}{0 .. $maxkey};
This is easy to test using this example:
my %hash;
@hash{0 .. 9} = ('a' .. 'j');
# insert code from above, and then print the result...
use Data::Dumper;
print Dumper(\%hash);
print Dumper(\@array);
$VAR1 = {
'6' => 'g',
'3' => 'd',
'7' => 'h',
'9' => 'j',
'2' => 'c',
'8' => 'i',
'1' => 'b',
'4' => 'e',
'0' => 'a',
'5' => 'f'
$VAR1 = [