I am trying to use Airflow to execute a simple task python.
from __future__ import print_function
from airflow.operators.python_operator import PythonOperator
You can package dependencies of your DAG as per:
To allow this you can create a zip file that contains the dag(s) in the root of the zip file and have the extra modules unpacked in directories. For instance you can create a zip file that looks like this:
Airflow will scan the zip file and try to load my_dag1.py and my_dag2.py. It will not go into subdirectories as these are considered to be potential packages.
When using CeleryExecutor, you need to manually sync DAG directories, Airflow doesn't take care of that for you:
The worker needs to have access to its DAGS_FOLDER, and you need to synchronize the filesystems by your own means