I have some clojurescript that I want to interop with some javascript libraries. In my clojurescript code I do some analysis and come up with a list of maps. something like
I found a function here
(defn clj->js
"Recursively transforms ClojureScript maps into Javascript objects,
other ClojureScript colls into JavaScript arrays, and ClojureScript
keywords into JavaScript strings.
Borrowed and updated from mmcgrana."
(string? x) x
(keyword? x) (name x)
(map? x) (.-strobj (reduce (fn [m [k v]]
(assoc m (clj->js k) (clj->js v))) {} x))
(coll? x) (apply array (map clj->js x))
:else x))
Does exactly what I needed. There is also the inverse function, namely js->clj
in ClojureScript core.