Why I want to do this is another discussion entirely, but I need to figure out the best way to make all my alert dialogs have the positive button on the right side. Note that i
this is my solution. It is work for me.
// Show alertDialog after building
AlertDialog alertDialog = createAlertDialog(context);
// and find positiveButton and negativeButton
Button positiveButton = (Button) alertDialog.findViewById(android.R.id.button1);
Button negativeButton = (Button) alertDialog.findViewById(android.R.id.button2);
// then get their parent ViewGroup
ViewGroup buttonPanelContainer = (ViewGroup) positiveButton.getParent();
int positiveButtonIndex = buttonPanelContainer.indexOfChild(positiveButton);
int negativeButtonIndex = buttonPanelContainer.indexOfChild(negativeButton);
if (positiveButtonIndex < negativeButtonIndex) {
// prepare exchange their index in ViewGroup
buttonPanelContainer.addView(negativeButton, positiveButtonIndex);
buttonPanelContainer.addView(positiveButton, negativeButtonIndex);