I am using the async/await function the following way
async function(){
let output = await string.replace(regex, async (match)=>{
let data = await someF
So, there's no overload of replace that takes a promise. So simply restate your code:
async function(){
let data = await someFunction();
let output = string.replace(regex, data)
return output;
of course, if you need to use the match value to pass to the asynchronous function, things get a bit more complicated:
var sourceString = "sheepfoohelloworldgoocat";
var rx = /.o+/g;
var matches = [];
var mtch;
rx.lastIndex = 0; //play it safe... this regex might have state if it's reused
while((mtch = rx.exec(sourceString)) != null)
//gather all of the matches up-front
//now apply async function someFunction to each match
var promises = matches.map(m => someFunction(m));
//so we have an array of promises to wait for...
//you might prefer a loop with await in it so that
//you don't hit up your async resource with all
//these values in one big thrash...
var values = await Promise.all(promises);
//split the source string by the regex,
//so we have an array of the parts that weren't matched
var parts = sourceString.split(rx);
//now let's weave all the parts back together...
var outputArray = [];
values.forEach((v, i) => {
outputArray.push(parts[i + 1]);
//then join them back to a string... voila!
var result = outputArray.join("");