I\'m implementing a recipe book in Firestore where every user is able to see all the recipes all users created but only the original author of the recipe is allowed to edit or d
Rules don't cascade, so you'll need to perform whatever checks you need for the document being captured by the Rules.
Generally speaking, {x=**}
rules are more often a mistake and the usage of =**
only for extremely specific use cases.
From your question, I'm assuming your data mode is something like this:
In this case, you'll need your Rules to be configured something like this:
service cloud.firestore {
match /databases/{database}/documents {
function isSignedIn() {
return request.auth != null;
match /ListOfRecipes/{recipe} {
allow read, create: if isSignedIn();
allow update, delete: if resource.data.creatorUID == request.auth.uid;
function recipeData() {
return get(/databases/$(database)/documents/ListOfRecipes/$(recipe)).data
match /List/{list} {
allow read: if isSignedIn();
allow write: if recipeData().creatorUID == request.auth.uid;