I\'m a little confused around flatMap (added to Swift 1.2)
Say I have an array of some optional type e.g.
let possibles:[Int?] = [nil, 1, 2, 3, nil, nil
Since Swift 4.1 you can use compactMap:
let possibles:[Int?] = [nil, 1, 2, 3, nil, nil, 4, 5]
let actuals = possibles.compactMap { $0 }
(Swift 4.1 replaced some overloads of flatMap with compactmap. If you are interested in more detail on this then see for example: https://useyourloaf.com/blog/replacing-flatmap-with-compactmap/ )
With Swift 2 b1, you can simply do
let possibles:[Int?] = [nil, 1, 2, 3, nil, nil, 4, 5]
let actuals = possibles.flatMap { $0 }
For earlier versions, you can shim this with the following extension:
extension Array {
func flatMap(transform: Element -> U?) -> [U] {
var result = [U]()
for item in map(transform) {
if let item = item {
return result
One caveat (which is also true for Swift 2) is that you might need to explicitly type the return value of the transform:
let actuals = ["a", "1"].flatMap { str -> Int? in
if let int = str.toInt() {
return int
} else {
return nil
assert(actuals == [1])
For more info, see http://airspeedvelocity.net/2015/07/23/changes-to-the-swift-standard-library-in-2-0-betas-2-5/