I\'ve got a quite busy server: PHP (Wordpress) using W3TotalCache APC, Varnish for Apache and Cloudflare to handle all traffic. Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS
Only one website with
You modified the wrong file. Your log says "mpm_prefork" error. So you need to modify mpm_prefork.conf rather than mpm_worker.conf.
You can also use "apachectl -M" to see what module you are using. e.g. My apache2 is using mpm_event_module, so i need to modify mpm_event.conf
$ apache2ctl -M
Loaded Modules:
core_module (static)
so_module (static)
watchdog_module (static)
http_module (static)
log_config_module (static)
logio_module (static)
version_module (static)
unixd_module (static)
access_compat_module (shared)
alias_module (shared)
auth_basic_module (shared)
authn_core_module (shared)
authn_file_module (shared)
authz_core_module (shared)
authz_host_module (shared)
authz_user_module (shared)
autoindex_module (shared)
deflate_module (shared)
dir_module (shared)
env_module (shared)
filter_module (shared)
mime_module (shared)
**mpm_event_module (shared)**
negotiation_module (shared)
setenvif_module (shared)
status_module (shared)
wsgi_module (shared)