Okay, so this is a little hard to explain, but here goes:
I have a dictionary, which I\'m adding content to. The content is a hashed username (key) with an IP address (v
You can store the keys and values in temp variable in prior, and can access previous and next key,value pair using index.
It is pretty dynamic, will work for any key you query. Please check this code :
d = {'1234': '', '2345':'', '3213':'', '4523':'', '7654':'', '9999':''}
ch = raw_input('Pleasure Enter your choice : ')
keys = d.keys()
values = d.values()
#print keys, values
for k,v in d.iteritems():
if k == ch:
ind = d.keys().index(k)
print keys[ind-1], ':',values[ind-1]
print keys[ind+1], ':',values[ind+1]