I\'ve setup a REST API to realm object in iOS. However I\'ve found an issue with creating a favorite flag in my object. I\'ve created a favorite bool, however everytime the obje
If you want to be more explicit, there is third option:
3. Retrieve the current value for the update
// Using the add/update method
let pet = Pet()
pet.id = 2
pet.name = "Dog"
pet.type = "German Shephard"
if let currentObject = realm.object(ofType: Pet.self, forPrimaryKey: 2) {
pet.favorite = currentObject.favorite
try! realm.write {
realm.add(pet, update: true)
// Using the create/update method
var favorite = false
if let currentObject = realm.object(ofType: Pet.self, forPrimaryKey: 2) {
favorite = currentObject.favorite
// Other properties on the pet, such as a list will remain unchanged
try! realm.write {
realm.create(Pet.self, value: ["id": 2, "name": "Dog", "type": "German Shephard", "favorite": favorite], update: true)