I can\'t figure out how to get flot.pie to change the data shown in the labels from a percentage of the \"raw data\" to the actual data. In my example i\'ve created a pie chart
This somewhat depends on what you mean with "On this spot i want to show the actual 50 messages".
Let's assume that you want to have a div popup when they mouseover the Read or Unread section and then show the messages in there.
First step is to make your pie chart interactive. You need to add the grid
option like so:
legend: {
show: true;
grid: {
hoverable: true,
clickable: true
Next, you have to bind the click/hover events to functions that retrieve your messages and display them:
if (obj.series.label == 'Read'){
//show your read messages
} else {
//show your unread messages
That's it!
Now, if what you meant is simply that you want to display all the messages directly in the pie all the time, you just need to change your formatter to reference a global variable that contains your messages.