I\'m looking for the smallest type of audio file for some javascript to work smoother.
Wav files can be 16 bit,8 kHz (i.e 128 k bits per second) while mp3 could be compressed to 16 kbits per second. Typically wav is x10 larger than mpg. This is ratio is highly content specific. Wav is a raw format, while mp3 is a compressed format for audio. ogg is more of wrapper format. it can wrap Speex compressed audio, Speex (www speex org)is a very efficient compression technique based on CELP.
Tips – use audacity (audacity source forge net) to truncate and save the original with smallest size ( 8 kHz 16 bit formatting if possible) convert this output into mp3. Keeping audio in a common format (mp3/wav)is a good idea.