Since Javascript is the language that I am the most proficient at, I am familiar with using functions as first-class objects. I had thought that C# lacked this feature, but then
I think I understand - what you can do with JavaScript and functions (arguments) is preaty neat but it's also not statically typed.
But please note that you never need more than one argument in functional programming anyway. You can chain as much argument as you like by returning another function (this is a common trait in FP and heavaly used with curring a technique also avaiable in JS but only with bending the system a bit).
Of course this is ackward in C#:
x1 =>
(x2 =>
(x3 =>
(xn =>
{ /*return soomething */ }
but this is what F# is for ;) and of course you should never make a function with more than a few arguments (way below 16!) anyhow.