How do i make sure all child_process are killed when the parent process is killed. I have something like the below one.
Even when the node process is kill i see that F
You could listen for exit process event, so when the main process is about to exit you have time to call kill method on the ffmpeg child process
var args = "ffmpeg -i in.avi out.avi"
var ffmpegChildProccess = child_process.exec(args , function(err, stdout,stderr){});
process.on('exit', function() {
console.log('process is about to exit, kill ffmpeg');
Edit: as comments are mentioning and fakewaffle solution got right, kill is not to be called in child_process but in the reference to the child process that you get when performing exec.
Also I remove the "what a about ..." because was unnecessary and unintentionally I realise it was sounding harsh when reading it out loud.