I would like to use shortcuts or aliases for git commands.
git diff
git status
git push
git pull
git stash
git branch -a
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More than one way to do this. Explained below with examples:
[1] Using the "alias" option provided by the git itself.
Example: git config --global alias.co checkout
Usage hence: git co
This is equivalent to making entries manually in the '~/.gitconfig' (this path since, --global is used, otherwise the .gitconfig file of the project, in which you attempting to set will be used).
co = checkout
Therefore, manually making entry to the file, as specified can also be another way of setting your aliases.
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[2] Using .bash_profile/.bashrc.
Edit your ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bashrc, as below:
Example: alias go='git checkout'
Usage hence: go
(Do not forget to 'source ~/.bash_profile' or 'source ~/.bashrc' after the changes to the file, based on your case).
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So, if you clearly see, the second way is to further put the shorthand/aliases to the git-command usage (for your profile).
Also, the aliases meant for ease of usability, hence what you prefer/at ease, is what you can add (like: i can say probably, Giraffe = git checkout, if that is my ease).