I have a code and I want it to wait somewhere in the middle before going forward. After the WebBrowser1.Document.Window.DomWindow.execscript(\"checkPasswordConfirm();\",\"JavaSc
This question is old but here is another answer because it is useful fo others:
thread.sleep is not a good method for waiting, because usually it freezes the software until finishing its time, this function is better:
Imports VB = Microsoft.VisualBasic
Public Sub wait(ByVal seconds As Single)
Static start As Single
start = VB.Timer()
Do While VB.Timer() < start + seconds
End Sub
The above function waits for a specific time without freezing the software, however increases the CPU usage.
This function not only doesn't freeze the software, but also doesn't increase the CPU usage:
Private Sub wait(ByVal seconds As Integer)
For i As Integer = 0 To seconds * 100
End Sub