Is there a way to include all the jar files within a directory in the classpath?
I\'m trying java -classpath lib/*.jar:. my.package.Program
and it is no
I have multiple jars in a folder. The below command worked for me in JDK1.8
to include all jars present in the folder. Please note that to include in quotes if you have a space in the classpath
Compiling: javac -classpath "C:\My Jars\sdk\lib\*" c:\programs\
Running: java -classpath "C:\My Jars\sdk\lib\*;c:\programs" MyProgram
Compiling: javac -classpath "/home/guestuser/My Jars/sdk/lib/*"
Running: java -classpath "/home/guestuser/My Jars/sdk/lib/*:/home/guestuser/programs" MyProgram