I\'m trying to trigger an event when scroll bar reaches the end. I found this this example. Here is my code. The problem is that it doesn\'t call loadmore() at all. The values o
I took the Mark's code and I made some changes to add support on div elements. Note that you can define another attribute to configure the threshold (50 in my case).
angular.module('O2DigitalSite').directive('onScrollToBottom', function ($document) {
//This function will fire an event when the container/document is scrolled to the bottom of the page
return {
restrict: 'A',
link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
var ele = element[0];
element.bind("scroll", function () {
//console.log((ele.scrollTop + ele.offsetHeight) + " / " + (ele.scrollHeight));
if (ele.scrollTop + ele.offsetHeight >= ele.scrollHeight - 50) {
//run the event that was passed through