I am following this tutorial to mount efs on AWS EC2 instance but when Iam executing the mount command
sudo mount -t nfs4 -o vers=4.1 $(curl -s http://169.254.1
I had the same problem and following the Amazon AWS guides it worked for one server of mine but another one didn't want to mount the EFS volume. Analyzing the local server messages log I've found that the outgoing TCP traffic was BLOCKED even if the associated Security Group was set to allow any outgoing traffic (on any port, any external address etc.). Setting a rule on the Security Group to allow TCP connections from EC2 host to EFS service on port 2049 didn't get any effect while instead setting a specific rule on the local iptable firewall got the job and resolved the issue. I can't figure out why there was this discrepancy but it worked for me. As far as I know the local iptables fw should not be touched and it should obtain the rules directly from the SG from AWS console.