I need to create a very high number of files which are not very large (like 4kb,8kb). It\'s not possible on my computer cause it takes all inodes up to 100% and I cannot create
You can find out the approximate inode ratio by dividing the size of available space by the number of available inodes. For example:
$ sudo tune2fs -l /dev/sda1 | awk -F: ' \
/^Block count:/ { blocks = $2 } \
/^Inode count:/ { inodes = $2 } \
/^Block size:/ { block_size = $2 } \
END { blocks_per_inode = blocks/inodes; \
print "blocks per inode:\t", blocks_per_inode, \
"\nbytes per inode:\t", blocks_per_inode * block_size }'
blocks per inode: 3.99759
bytes per inode: 16374.1