Oracle does not support a bit
datatype or any other type for true/false scenarios. Does one use the char(1)
field instead by using a specific letter to
Oracle internally uses "bits" (not a datatype per se) in different Data Dictionary views.
For example, dba_users view has :
, DECODE (BITAND (u.spare1, 128), 128, 'YES', 'NO')
, DECODE (BITAND (u.spare1, 256), 256, 'Y', 'N')
which shows a way to workaround this in a way. If you don't have to modify "boolean" bits often, you could employ the same approach that Oracle had since Oracle 6 (at least). Create a table with a NUMBER column, and a VIEW on top of that that hides complexity of BITAND operations.
ps. On a side note, Oracle JDBC has a "Bit" datatype as well as you already know PL/SQL has Boolean. Although it probably doesn't help you much. See BITAND approach above if it suites your case.