I\'m coming from iOS where I can simply reparent a view under another view. I\'m trying to figure out the equiv in Android. I want to move an imageview up a couple of spots in
If I remember my old iOS experience right it removes the view from it's old parent automatically if you add it to another one (I might be wrong ;-).
Here's how you would do the same on android:
ViewGroup parent = (ViewGroup) yourChildView.getParent();
if (parent != null) {
// detach the child from parent or you get an exception if you try
// to add it to another one
// you might have to update the layout parameters on your child
// for example if your child was attached to a RelativeLayout before
// and you add it to a LinearLayout now
// this seems very odd coming from iOS but iOS doesn't support layout
// management, so...
LinearLayout.LayoutParams params = new LinearLayout.LayoutP...