I\'m rebuilding an existing build pipeline as a jenkins declarative pipeline (multi-branch-pipeline) and have a problem handling build propagation.
After packaging and s
See best practice 7: Don’t: Use input within a node block. In a declarative pipeline, the node selection is done through the agent
The documentation here describes how you can define none
for the pipline and then use a stage-level agent
directive to run the stages on the required nodes. I tried the opposite too (define a global agent on some node and then define none
on stage-level for the input), but that doesn't work. If the pipeline allocated a slave, you can't release the slave for one or more specific stages.
This is the structure of our pipeline:
pipeline {
agent none
stages {
stage('Build') {
agent { label 'yona' }
steps {
stage('Decide tag on Docker Hub') {
agent none
steps {
script {
env.TAG_ON_DOCKER_HUB = input message: 'User input required',
parameters: [choice(name: 'Tag on Docker Hub', choices: 'no\nyes', description: 'Choose "yes" if you want to deploy this build')]
stage('Tag on Docker Hub') {
agent { label 'yona' }
when {
environment name: 'TAG_ON_DOCKER_HUB', value: 'yes'
steps {
Generally, the build stages execute on a build slave labeled "yona", but the input stage runs on the master.