Basically, I\'m quite experienced with Mocha (written thousands of unit tests), and I\'m quite new to AngularJS (written just my first project).
Now I am wondering how I
If you're creating an angular service that doesn't have any dependencies and isn't necessarily angular specific, you can write your module in an angular-agnostic way, then either write a separate small angular wrapper for it, or test for the presence of angular, and conditionally create a service for it.
Here's an example of an approach that I use to create modules that can be used both in angular, the browser, and node modules, including for mocha tests:
(function(global) {
//define your reusable component
var Cheeseburger = {};
if (typeof angular != 'undefined') {
angular.module('Cheeseburger', [])
.value('Cheeseburger', Cheeseburger);
//node module
else if (typeof module != 'undefined' && module.exports) {
module.exports = Cheeseburger
//perhaps you'd like to use this with a namespace in the browser
else if (global.YourAppNamespace) {
global.YourAppNamespace.Cheeseburger = Cheeseburger
//or maybe you just want it to be global
else {
global.Cheeseburger = Cheeseburger