I\'m using the storage facade to store a avatar which works fine, but I want to resize my image like I did in previous versions of laravel. How can I go about doing this? Here i
You're trying to pass into putFile wrong object. That method expects File object (not Image).
$path = $request->file('createcommunityavatar');
// returns \Intervention\Image\Image - OK
$resize = Image::make($path)->fit(300);
// expects 2nd arg - \Illuminate\Http\UploadedFile - ERROR, because Image does not have hashName method
$store = Storage::putFile('public/image', $resize);
$url = Storage::url($store);
Ok, now when we understand the main reason, let's fix the code
// returns Intervention\Image\Image
$resize = Image::make($path)->fit(300)->encode('jpg');
// calculate md5 hash of encoded image
$hash = md5($resize->__toString());
// use hash as a name
$path = "images/{$hash}.jpg";
// save it locally to ~/public/images/{$hash}.jpg
// $url = "/images/{$hash}.jpg"
$url = "/" . $path;
Let's imagine that you want to use Storage facade:
// does not work - Storage::putFile('public/image', $resize);
// Storage::put($path, $contents, $visibility = null)
Storage::put('public/image/myUniqueFileNameHere.jpg', $resize->__toString());