I know I could use a for
statement and achieve the same effect, but can I loop backwards through a foreach
loop in C#?
I have used this code which worked
if (element.HasAttributes) {
foreach(var attr in element.Attributes().Reverse())
if (depth > 1)
elements_upper_hierarchy_text = "";
foreach (var ancest in element.Ancestors().Reverse())
elements_upper_hierarchy_text += ancest.Name + "_";
}// foreach(var ancest in element.Ancestors())
}//if (depth > 1)
xml_taglist_report += " " + depth + " " + elements_upper_hierarchy_text+ element.Name + "_" + attr.Name +"(" + attr.Name +")" + " = " + attr.Value + "\r\n";
}// foreach(var attr in element.Attributes().Reverse())
}// if (element.HasAttributes) {