Is there an emacs function to convert a camel-cased word to underscore? Something, like:
@ens' answer was close, but a little buggy for me on Emacs 26.1. I fixed the bug and added the ability, via C-u prefix arg, to specify if you want the first letter of camel case to be lower case:
(defun toggle-camelcase-underscores (first-lower-p)
"Toggle between camelcase and underscore notation for the
symbol at point. If prefix arg, C-u, is supplied, then make first
letter of camelcase lowercase."
(interactive "P")
(let* ((bounds (bounds-of-thing-at-point 'symbol))
(start (car bounds))
(end (cdr bounds))
(currently-using-underscores-p (progn (goto-char start)
(re-search-forward "_" end t))))
(if currently-using-underscores-p
(replace-string "_" " " nil start end)
(upcase-initials-region start end)
(replace-string " " "" nil start end)
(when first-lower-p
(downcase-region start (1+ start))))
(replace-regexp "\\([A-Z]\\)" "_\\1" nil (1+ start) end)
(downcase-region start (cdr (bounds-of-thing-at-point 'symbol)))))))